Product Overview
2 in 1 Professional Body Care Plasma Pen for Facial Tightening & Freckles Removal Cold Ozone Plasma Beauty Salon Use
Two In One
(RFEMS+ Plasma)
A. Product Introduction
Welcome to choose the company's latest product Two in one RFEMS PlasmaBeauty Instrument.Two in one RFEMS Plasma is a multifunctional device thatcombines two patented technologies. lt consists of two handles (hands) and avariety of replaceable accessory probes. One of the RFEMS handles canstimulate muscle contraction, activate cells, and help Muscle repair, promoteblood circulation and improve lymphatic drainage, improve facial contour andskin tone, tighten skin, achieve non-invasive facial lifting and anti-aging.Thesecond plasma handle can be used to treat skin regeneration, remove skinprotrusions or warts, remove moles, freckles and wrinkles. lt can also helprepair stretch marks, repair pits and scars.
The core of its technology lies in the treatment probes, each of which is speciallydesigned to maximize treatment effectiveness while minimizing downtime.
Muscle Recovery
The probe is based on the simultaneous combinationof RF diathermy and muscle contraction (bidirectionalcontraction).
The RF diathermy pulse, due to its own biometricproperties,produces substantial fiber recruitmentwhile maintaining comfort during treatment.
Plasma Microhole
Matrix Probe
Epidermal Rejuvenation
The probe is a gentle and safe plasma applicator thatdelivers superficial treatments to the epidermis.optimizingepidermal cell turnover,promotingmicro-shrinkage and minimizing downtime.
Plasma Curved Tip Probe
Minimally Invasive Plasma Surgery
The probe is enhanced by a selective application thatis designed to deliver part of the plasma energy. Thistechnique produces controlled damage from theepidermis to the superficial dermis by tailoring spots inthe non-ablation or ablation output.
Plasma Straight Tip Probe
Reshape Skin
Provide precise plasma delivery for the treatment ofcommon skin aging problems, such as fine lines.wrinkles, scars, fine lines, etc.
specification :